Monday, December 28, 2009

Growthsperity #7 - La importancia de la Familia

Hola a todos, aunque estoy publicando este mensaje un día tarde, creo que el mensaje sigue siendo importantísimo!!!

Acá les dejo un mensaje corto y les presento a parte de mi familia, la Suegra, el Cuñado y mi Esposa....

Después les puse un ratico de la línea de producción de Hallacas, como verán me estaba volviendo loco con los pabilos, y salían más hallacas de las que podía amarrar!!!

Hasta la próxima!!


English Translarion:

Hello to all, my name is Federico Ruiz, welcome to Growthsperity... Today is December 27th, and is the Day of the Sacred Family, that was the message today in the sunday mass...
I wanted to share a brief message about the importance of family, and how it is our job to maintain a healthy relationship with them... Family is the cornerstone of who we are, and we are left with nothing, all we have is family... So make sure you call them, say I love you, tell them how much they mean, etc...

I also introduce you to some of my family members, my mother in law, my brother in law and my wife....

I also share a little video about the making of the "Hallacas", I was definitely the slowest of the group!!! But I managed to get through it!

Until next time!!


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